Errata for Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group
This file contains a list of errors found in the first edition of the book "Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group". It was written for my own information but should be clear.
Format: the first number is the page number, followed by the erratum.
(1) Section 1.3, 1.4 have the wrong page numbers.
9 sulphur hexafluoride
23 Drosphila
26 phase and and phase transition
36 Eqn (2.39) 1/N missing
38 "... as shown in figure (2.3a) PERIOD MISSING".
39 Convexity: YO's comments follow:
p38. Is (ii) trivial? (iii) is meaningless when f is not differentiable. p39. Holder is not needed; Finite sum of convex functions is convex; convex function of convex function is convex; convexity survives limit; expo and -ln are convex. I wish you to mention the standard definition of convex functions, too, to be complete.
55 Middle of page "..will BE made clear ..."
72 eqn 2.125 : it should just just be h^d in the denominator
82,83 ln --> log
88 Second line from bottom: ad hoc should be in italics.
99 Period missing after (3.93).
99 Eqn. (3.97) Z-->z.
100 Eqn. (3.106) Z-->z.
107 Eqn (3.142) M^3 (t-t^2+t^3/3) + O(M^5)
108 Eqn. (3.151) T - T_c --> T_c - T.
109 Eqn. (3.160) x_i --> r_i
115 3--3(b) infinte --> infinite
115 3--3(c) Show that --> Show that (apart from an unimportant constant of proportionality)
116 3--2 --> 3--3. In two places.
118 Eq. (4.11) misprint in Clausius-Clapeyron eqn: dp/dt NOT pdp/dt
123 After eqn (4.22) . --> ,
124 Eqn. (4.25) last part should read k_BT_c=8a/27b
128 Eqn. (4.45). H-\muH should be H-\mu N in both numerator and denominator.
129 Eqn. (4.53): brackets are uneven size.
132 Confluent singularity: cut-off on \theta is 1 not 0.
138 Eqn. (5.13) No + ... in M^3 term
139 Eqn. 5.15 coeff of \eta^3 should be 1/3 not 1.
144 Above Eqn. (5.30). "Differentiating L with respect to H ..." --> "Differentiating L with respect to \eta ..." (thanks to Brian Zhou)
146 n-->\infty should be n--> 0
153 8 lines from the bottom "the the"
155 Between (5.59) and (5.60) split infinitive: To correctly integrate...
155 Above (5.60) : \lambda --> \Lambda
157 Eqn (5.77) has double delta!!
161 Eqn (5.109): The power of r in the denominator of the formula should be (d-1)/2 (thanks to Jurgen Honig for reminding me of this error)
176 Eqn (6.34) second line down \alpha --> \beta
178 Check eqn. (6.44), (6.46), (6.47) No 2 in 2\Pi [Some people agree with me]
179 Eqn. (6.52) needs an extra 1/V factor
180 ii) --> (ii)
180 Check eqn. (6.54).
181 First line of (6.62) requires <...>
182 Formula for A and B: each should be multiplied by T (check!) (due to D. Whalen)
182 Eqn (6.65): a factor of k_B T is required inside the log, and the next line should read c = A + B + k_B/2 (thanks to Darren Peets)
[Note: none of these changes actually affect the final result or exercise 6-1(b)]
185 Problem 6--1: add extra part asking students to get the answer by a quick and dirty method, using f ~ \xi^{-d}
186 Formula for should have J_{ij} multiplying (1-tanh^2) NOT just the tanh^2 term. (due to D. Whalen)
191 Eqn (7.13) Subscript fonts
201 Eqn. (8.2) needs a \delta!
205 Eqn. (8.23) is wrong.
213 Between (8.57) and (8.58) x^{y/\nu} should have a minus sign (claimed).
215 Eqn. (8.66) and (8.67) need minus signs (claimed).
251 Eqn. (9.95) l --> log l
255 Eqn (9.119) The equation at the top of the page is un-numbered and is missing the argument t\Lambda_l^t on the right hand side
281 \bar F is analytic in $t$ not its argument.
281 Figure 9.10 (b). The curve for finite size system should be below that for the infinite system.
283 Exercise 9--2 index reference to hyperscaling is needed.
284 (c) Relevant and irrelevant at the Gaussian fixed point.
288 Gell-Mann-Low reference 1964 --> 1954
320 Eq. 10.142 ds-->dw
331 eqn A(10.10) --> eqn. (A10.10)
332 10-1 has two part (d)'s
358 12.2.4 As r \propto t --> Because ...
362 (12.61) should be a period not a comma.
362 Following sentence: "..., WE will sometimes use ..."
387 (f) should be \Prod_{i} (1 - 1/p_i)^{-1} and \Prod_{i} (1-p_i^{-s})^{-1}. Pointed out by Ji Li ( Refer to W. Scharlau and H. Opolka "From Fermat to Minkowski: Lectures on the theory of numbers and its historical development" (Springer-Verlag, New York, 19XX), pp 24-27.
Fluctuation dissipation theorem appears twice!
Goldstone mode " "
Porous medium " "
Spin Waves " "
Static scaling " "
Symmetry, disrete (sic)