Publications of Nigel David Goldenfeld


Books Authored or Co-Authored, Original Editions

  1. N. D. Goldenfeld. Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalisation Group (Addison-Wesley, 1992).
  2. P.M. Goldbart, Nigel Goldenfeld, D. Sherrington. Stealing the Gold: A Celebration of the Pioneering Physics of Sam Edwards (Oxford University Press, 2005).

Chapters in books

  1. J. F. Annett, N. D. Goldenfeld and S. R. Renn. The pairing state of YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]. Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors II ed. D. M. Ginsberg, 571-686 (World Scientific Singapore, 1990). (PDF)
  2. J.F. Annett, N.D. Goldenfeld and A.J. Leggett, Experimental constraints on the pairing state of the cuprate superconductors: an emerging consensus, Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors V, ed. D.M. Ginsberg, 375-461 (World Scientific, Singapore 1996). (PDF)
  3. P. Goldbart and Nigel Goldenfeld. Sam Edwards and the Statistical Mechanics of Rubber. In Stealing the Gold: A Celebration of the Pioneering Physics of Sam Edwards (Oxford University Press, 2005), P. Goldbart, N. Goldenfeld and D. Sherrington. (eds.), pp. 275-299.
  4. N. Goldenfeld, S. Baron-Cohen, S. Wheelwright, C. Ashwin and S. Chakrabati. Empathising in males, females and autism: a test of the neural competition theory. In Empathy and Mental Illness, pp.322-334. T. Farrow and P. Woodruff (eds.). (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK 2007). (PDF)
  5. Hector Garcia Martin, J. Veysey, G. Bonheyo, Nigel Goldenfeld and Bruce Fouke. Statistical evaluation of bacterial 16SrRNA gene sequences in relation to travertine mineral precipitation and water chemistry at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, USA. In Geomicrobiology: Molecular and Environmental Perspective pp. 239-249, L. Barton, M. Mandl & A. Loy (eds.) (Springer, NY, 2010). (PDF)
  6. Nigel Goldenfeld.  There's Plenty of Room in the Middle: The Unsung Revolution of the Renormalization Group. In Fifty years of the renormalization group: dedicated to the memory of Michael Fisher. (World Scientific, 2024), A. Aharony, O. Entin-Wohlman, D.A. Huse, L. Radzihovsky (eds.) Chapter 19, pp. 303-326.

Articles in Journals

  1. J. M. Deutsch and N. D. Goldenfeld. Ordering in charged rod fluids. J. Phys. A15, L71-L73 (1982) (PDF).
  2. J. M. Deutsch and N. D. Goldenfeld. The isotropic-nematic transition in charged liquid crystals. J. Phys. 43, 651-654 (1982) (PDF).
  3. J. M. Deutsch and N. D. Goldenfeld. Coherent scattering from polymer melts. Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1694 (1982) (PDF).
  4. E. Ben-Jacob, N. D. Goldenfeld, J. S. Langer and G. Schon. Dynamics of interfacial pattern formation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1930-1932 (1983) (PDF).
  5. N. D. Goldenfeld. Growth rate of polymer crystals. Polymer Comm. 25, 47-48 (1984).
  6. E. Ben-Jacob, N. D. Goldenfeld, J. S. Langer and G. Schon. Boundary-layer model of pattern formation in solidification. Phys. Rev. A 29, 330-340 (1984) (PDF).
  7. N. D. Goldenfeld. Kinetics of a model for nucleation-controlled polymer crystal growth. J. Phys. A 17, 2807-2821 (1984) (PDF).
  8. E. Ben-Jacob, N. D. Goldenfeld, B. G. Kotliar and J. S. Langer. Pattern selection in dendritic solidification. Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 2110-2113 (1984) (PDF).
  9. N. D. Goldenfeld and J. W. Halley. Role of long wavelength degrees of freedom in the rod-to-coil transition in polymers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 730-733 (1985) (PDF).
  10. A. Karma and N. D. Goldenfeld. Cellular states in boundary-layer model of directional solidification. Phys. Rev. B 31, 7018-7021 (1985) (PDF).
  11. E. Ben-Jacob, N. D. Goldenfeld, R. Godbey, J. Koplik, H. Levine, T. Mueller and L. Sander. Experimental demonstration of the role of anisotropy in interfacial pattern formation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1315-1318 (1985) (PDF).
  12. E. Ben-Jacob, J. S. Langer and N. D. Goldenfeld. Dendrites and patterns. Phys. Today 38, 521-522 (1985).
  13. N. D. Goldenfeld and J. W. Halley. Comment on "role of long-wavelength degrees of freedom in the rod-to-coil transition in polymers". Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 1314-1315 (1986) (PDF).
  14. O. Martin and N. D. Goldenfeld. On the origin of sidebranching in dendritic growth. Phys. Rev. A 35, 1382-1390 (1987) (PDF).
  15. E. Ben-Jacob, G. Deutscher, P. Garik, N. D. Goldenfeld and Y. Lereah. Formation of a dense branching morphology in interfacial pattern growth. Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 1903-1906 (1986) (PDF).
  16. P. M. Goldbart and N. D. Goldenfeld. Rigidity and ergodicity of randomly cross-linked macromolecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2676-2679 (1987) (PDF).
  17. N. D. Goldenfeld. Theory of spherulitic crystallization. J. Crystal Growth 84, 601-608 (1987) (PDF).
  18. F. Lui and N. D. Goldenfeld. Linear stability of needle crystals in the boundary layer model of dendritic solidification. Phys. Rev. A 81, 407-417 (1988) (PDF).
  19. M. B. Salamon, S. E. Inderhees, J. P. Rice, B. G. Pazol, D. M. Ginsberg and N. D. Goldenfeld. Effect of magnetic fields on the specific heat of a YBa2Cu3O7-[delta] single crystal near Tc. Phys. Rev. B 38, 885-888 (1988) (PDF).
  20. D. M. Ginsberg, S. E. Inderhees, M. B. Salamon, N. D. Goldenfeld, J. P. Rice and B. G. Pazol. Specific heat of a single crystal of YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]: Fluctuation effects in a bulk superconductor in zero magnetic field and in a magnetic field. Physica C 153-155, 1082-1085 (1988) (PDF).
  21. S. E. Inderhees, M. B. Salamon, N. D. Goldenfeld, J. P. Rice, B. G. Pazol, D. M. Ginsberg, J. Z. Liu and G. W. Crabtree. Specific heat of single crystals of YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]: Fluctuation effects in a bulk superconductor. Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 1178-1180 (1988) (PDF).
  22. S. E. Inderhees, M. B. Salamon, N. D. Goldenfeld, J. P. Rice, B. G. Pazol, D. M. Ginsberg, J. Z. Liu and G. W. Crabtree. Reply to comment on "Specific heat of single crystals of YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]: Fluctuation effects in a bulk superconductor". Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 479-481 (1988) (PDF).
  23. N. D. Goldenfeld, P. D. Olmsted, T. A. Friedmann and D. M. Ginsberg. Estimation of material parameters from the observation of paraconductivity in Y-Ba-Cu-O. Solid State Commun. 65, 465-468 (1988) (PDF).
  24. N. D. Goldenfeld, O. Martin and Y. Oono. Intermediate asymptotics and renormalization group theory. J. Scientific Computing 4, 355-372 (1989) (PDF).
  25. J. F. Annett, N. D. Goldenfeld and S. R. Renn. Order parameters in the resonating-valence-bond model. Phys. Rev. B 39, 708-710 (1989) (PDF).
  26. P. M. Goldbart and N. D. Goldenfeld. A microscopic theory for cross-linked macromolecules: I. Broken symmetry, rigidity and topology. Phys. Rev. A 39, 1402-1411 (1989) (PDF).
  27. P. M. Goldbart and N. D. Goldenfeld. A microscopic theory for cross-linked macromolecules: II. Replica theory of the transition to the solid state. Phys. Rev. A 39, 1412-1419 (1989) (PDF).
  28. P. M. Goldbart and N. D. Goldenfeld. Solid state of cross-linked macromolecules: Basic concepts. Macromolecules 22, 948-954 (1989) (PDF).
  29. F. Liu and N. D. Goldenfeld. Dynamics of phase separation in block co-polymer melts. Phys. Rev. A 39, 4805-4810 (1989) (PDF).
  30. N. D. Goldenfeld and C. J. Pethick. Electromagnetic interactions between fluctuations near the superconducting phase transition. Phys. Rev. B 39, 9601-9603 (1989) (PDF).
  31. F. Liu and N. D. Goldenfeld. Generic features of late stage crystal growth. Phys. Rev. A 42, 895-903 (1990) (PDF).
  32. F. Liu and N. D. Goldenfeld. Instability of needle crystals in anisotropic dendritic growth. Phys. Rev. A 42, 5052-5055 (1990) (PDF).
  33. M. Mondello and N. D. Goldenfeld. Scaling and vortex dynamics after the quench of a system with a continuous symmetry. Phys. Rev. A [Rapid Commun.] 42, 5865-5872 (1990) (PDF).
  34. N. D. Goldenfeld, O. Martin, Y. Oono and F. Liu. Anomalous dimensions and the renormalization group in a nonlinear diffusion process. Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1361-1364 (1990) (PDF).
  35. J. F. Annett, N. D. Goldenfeld and S. R. Renn. Interpretation of the temperature dependence of the electromagnetic penetration depth in YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]. Phys. Rev. B 43, 2778-2782 (1991) (PDF).
  36. N. D. Goldenfeld and Y. Oono. Renormalisation group theory for two problems in linear continuum mechanics. Physica A 177, 213-219 (1991) (PDF).
  37. F. Liu, M. Mondello and N. D. Goldenfeld. Kinetics of the superconducting transition. Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 3071-3074 (1991) (PDF).
  38. L. Y. Chen, N. D. Goldenfeld and Y. Oono. Renormalization group theory for the modified porous-medium equation. Phys. Rev. A 44, 6544-6550 (1991) (PDF).
  39. M. Mondello and N. D. Goldenfeld. Scaling and vortex-string dynamics in a three-dimensional system with a continuous symmetry. Phys. Rev. A 45, 657-664 (1992) (PDF).
  40. N. D. Goldenfeld and P. M. Goldbart. Dynamic scaling and spontaneous symmetry breaking at the gel point. Phys. Rev. A [Rapid Commun.] 45, R5343-R5346 (1992) (PDF).
  41. L. Y. Chen and N. D. Goldenfeld. Renormalisation group theory for the propagation of a turbulent burst. Phys. Rev. A 45, 5572-5577 (1992) (PDF).
  42. J. Stewart and N. D. Goldenfeld. Spinodal decomposition of a crystal surface. Phys. Rev. A 46, 6505-6512 (1992) (PDF).
  43. J. Annett and N. D. Goldenfeld. The superconducting state of YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]. J. Low Temp. Phys. 89, 197-204 (1992) (PDF).
  44. M. Mondello and N. D. Goldenfeld. Relaxational dynamics after the quench of a conserved system with a continuous symmetry. Phys. Rev. B 47, 2384-2393 (1993) (PDF).
  45. A. Zippelius, P. M. Goldbart and N. D. Goldenfeld. Statistical mechanics of vulcanisation and the spontaneous emergence of static density fluctuations. Europhys. Lett. 23, 451-456 (1993).
  46. P. J. Hirschfeld and N. D. Goldenfeld. Effect of strong scattering on the low temperature penetration depth of a d-wave superconductor. Phys. Rev. B Rapid Comm. 48, 4219-4222 (1993) (PDF).
  47. E. Shimshoni, P. M. Goldbart and N. D. Goldenfeld. Josephson interference phenomena above Tc. Phys. Rev. B 48, 9865-9868 (1993) (PDF).
  48. N. D. Goldenfeld and Y. Oono. Comment on "Renormalization group approach to phase ordering kinetics". Phys. Rev. Lett. (Accepted), then withdrawn.
  49. M. Smith, R. Donnelly, N. D. Goldenfeld and W. F. Vinen. Decay of vorticity in homogeneous turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2583-2586 (1993) (PDF).
  50. G. C. Paquette, L. Y. Chen, N. D. Goldenfeld and Y. Oono. Structural stability and renormalization group for propagating fronts. Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 76-79 (1994) (PDF).
  51. L. Y. Chen, N. D. Goldenfeld, Y. Oono and G. Paquette. Selection, stability and renormalization. Physica A 204, 111-133 (1994) (PDF).
  52. S. Kamal, D. Bonn, N. D. Goldenfeld, Hirschfeld, R. Liang and W. N. Hardy. Penetration depth measurements of 3D XY critical behaviour in YBa2Cu3O6.95 crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1845-1848 (1994) (PDF).
  53. L. Y. Chen, N. D. Goldenfeld and Y. Oono. Renormalization group theory and variational calculations for propagating fronts. Phys. Rev. E 49, 4502-4511 (1994) (PDF).
  54. L. Chen, N. Goldenfeld, Y. Oono. Renormalization group theory for global asymptotic analysis. Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1311-1315 (1994) (PDF).
  55. G. Eyink and N. D. Goldenfeld. Analogies between scaling in turbulence, field theory and critical phenomena. Phys. Rev. E 50, 4679-4683 (1994) (PDF).
  56. M. Zapotocky, P. M. Goldbart and N. D. Goldenfeld. Kinetics of phase ordering in uniaxial and biaxial nematic films. Phys. Rev. E 51, 1216-1235 (1995) (PDF).
  57. N. D. Goldenfeld and Y. Oono. Comment on "Renormalization group approach to phase ordering kinetics". Phys. Rev. Lett. (Accepted, then withdrawn).
  58. G. I. Barenblatt and N. D. Goldenfeld. Does fully-developed turbulence exist? Reynolds number independence versus asymptotic covariance. Phys. of Fluids 7, 3078-3084 (1995) (PDF).
  59. L. Y. Chen, N. D. Goldenfeld and Y. Oono. The renormalization group and singular perturbations: multiple-scales, boundary layers and reductive perturbation theory. Phys. Rev. E 54, 376-394 (1996) (PDF).
  60. L. Y. Chen and N. D. Goldenfeld. Numerical renormalization group calculations for similarity solutions and travelling waves. Phys. Rev. E, 51, 5577-5581 (1995) (PDF).
  61. K.R. Elder, J.D. Gunton and N.D. Goldenfeld. Transition to spatiotemporal chaos in the damped Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation.  Phys. Rev. E. 56, 1631-1634 (1997) (PDF).
  62. J.T. Kim, N.D. Goldenfeld, N. Giapintzakis, D.M. Ginsberg.  Magnetic field dependence of the critical dynamics of a superconducting YBCO detwinned single crystal.   Phys. Rev. B 56, 118-121 (1997) (PDF).
  63. Q. Hou, S. Sasa and N.D. Goldenfeld. Dynamic scaling behaviour of the Swift-Hohenberg equation following a quench to the modulated state. Physica A, 239, 219-226 (1997) (PDF).
  64. Nikolas Provatas, N.D. Goldenfeld and Jon Dantzig.  Efficient Computation of Dendritic Microstructures using Adaptive Mesh Refinement.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3308-3311 (1998) (PDF).
  65. N.D. Goldenfeld, A. McKane, Q. Hou.  Block Spins for Partial Differential Equations.  J. Stat. Phys. 93, 699-714 (1998) (PDF).
  66. K. R. Elder, Oana Malis, Karl Ludwig, Bulbul Chakraborty, Nigel Goldenfeld. An X-ray Scattering and Simulation Study of the Ordering Kinetics in CuAu. Europhysics Letters 43, 629-634 (1998) (PDF).
  67. Nikolas Provatas, Nigel Goldenfeld, Jonathan Dantzig. Adaptive Mesh Refinement Computation of Solidification Microstructures using Dynamic Data Structures. J. Comp. Phys. 148, 265-290 (1999) (PDF).
  68. Yung-Tae Kim, Nikolas Provatas, Nigel Goldenfeld, Jonathan Dantzig. Universal Dynamics of Phase-Field Models for Dendritic Growth. Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communications) 59, R2546-R2549 (1999) (PDF).
  69. Nikolas Provatas, Nigel Goldenfeld, Jonathan Dantzig, Jeffrey C. LaCombe, Afina Lupulescu, Matthew B. Koss, Martin E.Glicksman. Crossover Scaling in Dendritic Evolution at Low Undercooling. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4469-4499 (1999) (PDF).
  70. Nigel Goldenfeld and Leo Kadanoff. Simple Lessons from Complexity. Science 284, 87-89 (1999) (PDF).
  71. Y.-T. Kim, N. Goldenfeld and J. Dantzig. Computation of dendritic microstructures using a level set method. Phys. Rev. E 62, 2471-2474 (2000) (PDF).
  72. G. Bauer, D. Ceperley and N. Goldenfeld. Path integral Monte Carlo simulation of helium at negative pressures. Phys. Rev. B 61, 9055-9060 (2000)(PDF)
  73. Q. Hou, N. Goldenfeld and A. McKane. Renormalization group and perfect operators for stochastic differential equations. Phys. Rev. E 63, 036125:1-25 (2001) (PDF).
  74. V. Aji and N. Goldenfeld. Fluctuations in finite critical and turbulent systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1007-1010 (2001) (PDF).
  75. V. Aji and N. Goldenfeld. Critical dynamics of a vortex-loop model for the superconducting transition.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 197003:1-4 (2001) (PDF).
  76. J.-H. Jeong, N. Goldenfeld and J. Dantzig. Phase field model for three dimensional dendritic growth with fluid flow. Phys. Rev. E 64, 041602:1-14 (2001) (PDF).
  77. H.G. Martin and N. Goldenfeld. Linearity and scaling of a statistical model for the species abundance distribution.  Phys. Rev. E 65, 032901:1-4 (2002) (PDF).
  78. V. Aji and N. Goldenfeld. Reply to Comment on "Critical Dynamics of a Vortex-Loop Model for the Superconducting Transition", Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 109702 (2002) (PDF).
  79. Jeong, J-H., J. A. Dantzig, and N. Goldenfeld. Dendritic Growth with Fluid Flow in Pure Materials, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 34A, 459-466, (2003) (PDF).
  80. K. Osborn, D. Van Harlingen, V. Aji, N. Goldenfeld, S. Oh, J. Eckstein. Critical dynamics of superconducting BSCCO films. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), 68, 144516-1-6 (2003) (PDF).
  81. K. Vetsigian and N. Goldenfeld. Computationally efficient phase-field models with interface kinetics. Physical Review E Rapid Communications, 68, 60601:1-4 (2003) (PDF).
  82. N. Israeli and N. Goldenfeld. Computational irreducibility and the predictability of complex physical systems. Physical Review Letters, 92, 74105:1-4 (2004) (PDF).
  83. K. Vetsigian and N. Goldenfeld. Global divergence of microbial genome sequences mediated by propagating fronts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA)., 102, 7332-7337 (2005) (PDF).
  84. G. Bonheyo, B. Fouke, H.G. Martin, J. Veysey, N. Goldenfeld, J. Frias-Lopez. Mineralogical, geochemical and microbial systems in travertine terraces at Yellowstone hot springs (in review).
  85. N. Provatas, M. Greenwood, B. Athreya, Nigel Goldenfeld, J. Dantzig. Multiscale modeling of solidification: phase field methods to adaptive mesh refinement. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 19, 4525-4565 (2005). (PDF)
  86. Nigel Goldenfeld , Badrinarayan P. Athreya , Jonathan A. Dantzig. Renormalization group approach to multiscale simulation of polycrystalline materials using the phase field crystal model. Physical Review E Rapid Communications, 72, 020601(R):1-4 (2005) (PDF).
  87. H.G. Martin and Nigel Goldenfeld. Origin of the species-area relationship in ecology. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 103, 10310-10315 (2006) (PDF).
  88. Nigel Goldenfeld , Badrinarayan P. Athreya , Jonathan A. Dantzig. Renormalization group approach to multiscale modelling in materials science. J. Stat. Phys. 125, 1019-1027 (2006) (PDF).
  89. Navot Israeli and Nigel Goldenfeld. Coarse-graining of cellular automata, emergence, and the predictability of complex systems Phys. Rev. E 73, 026203:1-17 (2006) (PDF).
  90. Nigel Goldenfeld. Roughness-induced criticality in a turbulent flow. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 044503:1-4 (2006) (PDF).
  91. Nigel Goldenfeld, Sally Wheelwright and Simon Baron-Cohen. Empathizing and systemizing in males, females and autism. International Journal of Clinical Neuropsychiatry 2, 338-345 (2005) (PDF).
  92. S. Wheelwright, S. Baron-Cohen, Nigel Goldenfeld, J. Delaney, D. Fine, R. Smith, L. Weil, A. Wakabayashi. Predicting autism spectrum quotient (AQ) from the systemizing quotient-revised (SQ-R) and empathy quotient (EQ). Brain research, 1079, 47-56 (2006) (PDF).
  93. Akio Wakabayashi, Simon Baron-Cohen, Sally Wheelwright, Nigel Goldenfeld, Joe Delaney, Debra Fine, Richard Smith and Leonora Weil. Development of short forms of the Empathy Quotient (EQ-Short) and the Systemizing Quotient (SQ-Short). Personality and Individual Differences 41, 929-940 (2006) (PDF).
  94. Nigel Goldenfeld and Roger Haydock. Phase diagram for Anderson disorder: beyond single-parameter scaling. Phys. Rev. B 73, 045118:1-10 (2006) (PDF).
  95. Pak Yuen Chan, Nigel Goldenfeld and Myron Salamon. Critical behavior of Griffiths ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 137201:1-4 (2006) (PDF).
  96. H.G. Martin and Nigel Goldenfeld. Estimation of microbial cover distributions at Mammoth Hot Springs using a multiple clone library resampling method. Env. Micro. 8, 1145-1154 (2006) (PDF).
  97. Nigel Goldenfeld, P.-Y. Chan and J. Veysey. Dynamics of precipitation pattern formation at geothermal hot springs. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 254501:1-4 (2006) (PDF).
  98. K. Vetsigian, C.R. Woese and Nigel Goldenfeld. Communal evolution of the genetic code. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 103, 10696-10701 (2006). doi:10.1073/pnas.0603780103 (PDF).
  99. N. Guttenberg and Nigel Goldenfeld. Ordering dynamics in type II superconductors. Phys. Rev. E 74 , 066202:1-8 (2006) (PDF).
  100. J. Veysey, T.J. Schickel, B.W. Fouke, M. Kandianis, R. Johnson and Nigel Goldenfeld. Reconstruction of Water Temperature, pH, and Flux of Ancient Hot Springs from Travertine Depositional Facies. J. Sed. Res. 78, 69-76 (2008) (PDF).
  101. B. Athreya, Nigel Goldenfeld and J. Dantzig. Renormalization group theory for the phase field crystal equation. Phys. Rev. E 74 , 011601:1-13 (2006) (PDF). See also reply to comment published in Phys. Rev. E 79, 013602 (2009) (PDF).
  102. J. Veysey and Nigel Goldenfeld. Singular Perturbations in Simple Low Reynolds Number Flows: from Boundary Layers to the Renormalization Group. Rev. Mod. Phys. 79, 883-927 (2007) (PDF).
  103. N. Goldenfeld and C. Woese. Biology's next revolution. Nature 445, 369-369 (2007) doi:10.1038/445369a (PDF).
  104. N. Provatas, J. Dantzig, B. Athreya, P. Chan, P. Stefanovic, N. Goldenfeld and K. Elder. Using the phase-field crystal method in the multi-scale modeling of microstructure evolution. Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 59, 83-90 (2007) (PDF).
  105. B. Athreya, N. Goldenfeld, J. Dantzig, M. Greenwood, N. Provatas. Adaptive mesh computation of polycrystalline pattern formation using a renormalization-group reduction of the phase field crystal model. Phys. Rev. E 76 , 056706:1-14 (2007) (PDF).
  106. P.-Y. Chan and N. Goldenfeld. Steady states and linear stability analysis of precipitation pattern formation at geothermal hot springs. Phys. Rev. E 76 , 046104:1-11 (2007) (PDF).
  107. J. Veysey and N. Goldenfeld. Watching rocks grow. Nature Physics, 4, 310-313 (2008) (PDF).
  108. N. Guttenberg and N. Goldenfeld. Cascade of complexity in evolving predator-prey dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 058102:1-4 (2008) (PDF).
  109. T. Butler, N. Goldenfeld, D. Mathew and Z. Luthey-Schulten. Extreme genetic code optimality from a molecular dynamics calculation of amino acid polar requirement. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 79, 060901(R):1-4 (2009). (PDF)
  110. K. Vetsigian and N. Goldenfeld. Genome rhetoric and the emergence of compositional bias. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 106, 215-220 (2009). (PDF)
  111. N. Chia, C. Woese and N. Goldenfeld. A collective mechanism for phase variation in biofilms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 105, 14597-14602 (2008). (PDF)
  112. N. Guttenberg and N. Goldenfeld. Friction factor of two-dimensional rough-boundary turbulent soap film flows. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 79, 065306(R):1-4 (2009). (PDF)
  113. C.R. Woese and Nigel Goldenfeld. How the microbial world saved evolution from the Scylla of molecular biology and the Charybdis of the modern synthesis. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 73, 14-21 (2009). (PDF)
  114. P.-Y. Chan, Nigel Goldenfeld and J. Dantzig. Molecular Dynamics on Diffusive Time Scales from the Phase Field Crystal Equation. Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications. 79, 035701:1-4 (2009). (PDF)
  115. N. Chia, I. Golding and Nigel Goldenfeld. Lambda-prophage induction modeled as a cooperative failure mode of lytic repression. Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications, 80, 030901 (R):1-4 (2009). 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.030901 (PDF)
  116. T. Butler and Nigel Goldenfeld. Optimality properties of a proposed precursor to the genetic code. Phys. Rev. E 80, 032901:1-4 (2009). (PDF)
  117. T. Butler and Nigel Goldenfeld. Robust ecological pattern formation induced by demographic noise. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 80, 030902 (R): 1-4 (2009). 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.030902 (PDF)
  118. P.-Y. Chan and Nigel Goldenfeld. Nonlinear elasticity of the phase-field crystal model from the renormalization group. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 80, 065105(R):1-4 (2009). (PDF)
  119. Nigel Goldenfeld, N. Guttenberg and G. Gioia. Extreme fluctuations and the finite lifetime of the turbulent state. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 81, 035304 (R):1-3 (2010). (PDF)
  120. Nicholas Guttenberg and Nigel Goldenfeld. Emergence of heterogeneity and political organization in information exchange networks. Phys. Rev. E 81, 046111:1-8 (2010). (PDF)
  121. T. Tran, P. Chakraborty, N. Guttenberg, A. Prescott, H. Kellay, W. Goldburg, Nigel Goldenfeld and G. Gioia. Macroscopic effects of the spectral structure in turbulent flows. Nature Physics 6, 438-441 (2010). (PDF)
  122. N. Guttenberg, Nigel Goldenfeld and J. Dantzig. Emergence of foams from the breakdown of the phase field crystal model. Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications 81, 065301(R):1-4 (2010). (PDF)
  123. P.-Y. Chan, G. Tsekenis, J. Dantzig, K. Dahmen and Nigel Goldenfeld. Plasticity and dislocation dynamics in a phase field crystal model. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 015502:1-4 (2010). (PDF)
  124. Z. Wang and Nigel Goldenfeld. Fixed points and limit cycles in the population dynamics of lysogenic viruses and their hosts. Phys. Rev. E 82, 011918:1-18 (2010). (PDF)
  125. G. Gioia, N. Guttenberg, Nigel Goldenfeld, P. Chakraborty. Spectral theory of the turbulent mean-velocity profile. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 184501:1-4 (2010). (PDF).
  126. M. Sipos, P. Jeraldo, N. Chia, A. Qu, A. S. Dhillon, M. Konkel, K.E. Nelson, B.A. White and Nigel Goldenfeld. Robust computational analysis of rRNA hypervariable tag datasets. PLoS One 5, e15220 (8 pages) (2010). (PDF)
  127. Nigel Goldenfeld and Carl R. Woese. Life is Physics: evolution as a collective phenomenon far from equilibrium. Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. Phys. 2, 375-399 (2011). 10.1146/annurev-conmatphys-062910-140509 (PDF).
  128. N. Chia and Nigel Goldenfeld. Statistical mechanics of horizontal gene transfer in evolutionary ecology. J. Stat. Phys. 142, 1287-1301 (2011). (PDF)
  129. N. Chia and Nigel Goldenfeld. Dynamics of gene duplication and transposons in microbial genomes following a sudden environmental change. Phys. Rev. E 83, 021906:1-10 (2011). (PDF)
  130. G. Tsekenis, Nigel Goldenfeld and K. Dahmen. Dislocations jam at any density. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 105501:1-4 (2011). (PDF)
  131. T. Butler and Nigel Goldenfeld. Fluctuation-driven Turing patterns. Phys. Rev. E 84, 011112 (12 pages) (2011). (PDF)
  132. A.M. Menzel and Nigel Goldenfeld. Effect of Coulombic friction on spatial displacement statistics. Phys. Rev. E 84, 011122 (9 pages) (2011). (PDF)
  133. Michael Assaf, Luiza Angheluta and Nigel Goldenfeld. Rare fluctuations and large-scale circulation cessations in turbulent convection. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 044502 (4 pages) (2011). (PDF)
  134. Zhenyu Wang and Nigel Goldenfeld. Theory of cooperation in a micro-organismal snowdrift game. Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications, 84, 020902 (4 pages) (2011). (PDF)
  135. Patricio Jeraldo, Nicholas Chia and Nigel Goldenfeld. On the suitability of short reads of 16S rRNA for phylogeny-based analyses in environmental surveys. Environmental Microbiology 13, 3000-3009 (2011). (PDF)
  136. Maksim Sipos and Nigel Goldenfeld. Directed percolation describes lifetime and growth of turbulent puffs and slugs. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 84, 035305 (4 pages) (2011). (PDF)
  137. Jennifer M. Brulc, Carl J. Yeoman, Melissa K. Wilson, Margret E. Berg Miller, Patricio Jeraldo, Sadanari Jindou, Nigel Goldenfeld, Harry J. Flint, Raphael Lamed, Ilya Borovok, Masa Vodovnik, Karen E. Nelson, Edward A. Bayer, Bryan A. White. Cellulosomics, a Gene-Centric Approach to Investigating the Intraspecific Diversity and Adaptation of Ruminococcus flavefaciens within the Rumen. PLoS ONE 6, e25329 (10 pages) (2011). (PDF)
  138. T.C. Butler, M. Benayoun, E. Wallace, W. van Drongelen, Nigel Goldenfeld, Jack Cowan. Evolutionary constraints on visual cortex architecture from the dynamics of hallucinations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 109, 606-609 (2012). 10.1073/pnas.1118672109 (PDF)
  139. N.R. Pace, J. Sapp and Nigel Goldenfeld. Phylogeny and beyond: Scientific, historical and conceptual significance of the first tree of life. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 109, 1011-1018 (2012). (PDF)
  140. L. Angheluta, P. Jeraldo and Nigel Goldenfeld. Anisotropic velocity statistics of topological defects under shear flow. Phys. Rev. E 85, 011153 (10 pages) (2012). (PDF)
  141. Patricio Jeraldo, Maksim Sipos, Nicholas Chia, Jennifer Brulc, A. Singh Dhillon, Michael Konkel, Charles Larson, Karen Nelson, Ani Qu, Lawrence Schook, Fang Yang, Bryan White and Nigel Goldenfeld. Quantification of the relative role of niche and neutral processes in structuring gastrointestinal microbiomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 109, 9692-9698 (2012). (PDF+SI) (PDF main paper only) [Supplemental Info]
  142. Michael LeBlanc, Luiza Angheluta, Karin Dahmen and Nigel Goldenfeld. Distribution of maximum velocities in avalanches near the depinning transition. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 105702 (4 pages) (2012). (PDF)
  143. Michael Assaf, Luiza Angheluta and Nigel Goldenfeld. Effect of weak rotation on large-scale circulation cessations in turbulent convection. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 074502 (4 pages) (2012). (PDF)
  144. Georgios Tsekenis, Nigel Goldenfeld and Karin Dahmen. Reply to Comment on "Dislocations jam at any density".Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 269602 (1 page) (2012). (PDF)
  145. Carl Yeoman, Nicholas Chia, Patricio Jeraldo, Maksim Sipos, Nigel Goldenfeld and Bryan White. The microbiome of the chicken gastrointestinal tract. Animal Health Research Reviews 13, 89-99 (2012). (PDF)
  146. H. Kellay, T. Tran, W. Goldburg, Nigel Goldenfeld, G. Gioia and P. Chakraborty. Testing a missing spectral link in turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 254502 (5 pages) (2012) (PDF).
  147. Nigel Goldenfeld and Norman R. Pace. Carl Woese: In retrospect. Science 339, 661 (2013). (PDF)
  148. G. Tsekenis, J.T. Uhl, Nigel Goldenfeld and K.A. Dahmen. Determination of the universality class of crystal plasticity. Euro. Phys. Lett. 101, 36003 (6 pages) 2013. (PDF)
  149. M. Assaf, Elijah Roberts, Zaida Luthey-Schulten, Nigel Goldenfeld. Extrinsic noise-driven phenotype switching in a self-regulating gene. Phys. Rev. Lett . 111, 058103 (5 pages) (2013); 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.058102. (PDF)
  150. Michael LeBlanc, Luiza Angheluta, Karin Dahmen and Nigel Goldenfeld. Universal fluctuations and extreme statistics of avalanches near the depinning transition. Phys. Rev. E 87, 022126 (13 pages) (2013). 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.022126. (PDF)
  151. Farshid Jafarpour, Luiza Angheluta, and Nigel Goldenfeld. Velocity statistics for interacting edge dislocations in one dimension from Dysons Coulomb gas model. Phys. Rev. E 88, 042123 (8 pages) (2013). 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.042123 (PDF)
  152. Nigel Goldenfeld. Looking in the right direction: Carl Woese and evolutionary biology. RNA Biology 11, 1-6 (2014). (PDF)
  153. Paul Tenczar, Claudia C. Lutz, Vikyath D. Rao, Nigel Goldenfeld and Gene E. Robinson. Automated monitoring reveals extreme interindividual variation and plasticity in honeybee foraging activity levels. Animal Behaviour 95 41-48 (2014). (PDF)
  154. S. Kang, P. Jeraldo, A. Kurte, M. Berg Miller, M. Cook, K. Whitlock, Nigel Goldenfeld, J. Woods, Bryan White, N. Chia and J. Fryer. Diet and exercise orthogonally alter the gut microbiome and reveal independent associations with anxiety and cognition. Molecular Neurodegeneration 9, 36 (12 pages) (2014). (PDF)
  155. Hong-Yan Shih and Nigel Goldenfeld. Path-integral calculation for the emergence of rapid evolution from demographic stochasticity. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 90, 050702 (R) (7 pages) (2014) (PDF)
  156. Jens M. Tarp, Luiza Angheluta, Joachim Mathiesen, Nigel Goldenfeld. Intermittent dislocation density fluctuations in crystal plasticity from a phase-field crystal model. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 265503 (7 pages) (2014). (PDF)
  157. Karen M. Kapheim, Vikyath Rao, Carl Yeoman, Brenda Wilson, Bryan White, Nigel Goldenfeld and Gene Robinson. Caste-specific differences in hindgut microbial communities of honey bees (Apis Mellifera). PLoS One 10(4): e0123911 (14 pages) (2015). (PDF) (Supporting Information).
  158. T. Biancalani, LeeDeVille, Nigel Goldenfeld. Framework for analyzing ecological trait-based models in multidimensional niche spaces. Phys. Rev E 91, 052107 (10 pages) (2015). (PDF) (Supplemental Material).
  159. Farshid Jafarpour, Tommaso Biancalani and Nigel Goldenfeld. Noise-induced mechanism for Biological Homochirality of Early Life Self-Replicators. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 158101 (5 pages) 2015. (PDF).
  160. Hong-Yan Shih, Tsung-Lin Hsieh and Nigel Goldenfeld. Ecological collapse and the emergence of travelling waves at the onset of shear turbulence. Nature Physics 12, 246-248 (2016) (14 pages with Supplementary Material). (PDF) (Full paper, experimental work on transitional turbulence and commentaries/editorial for Nature Physics Focus issue on Turbulence are here. [PDF]).
  161. Nigel Goldenfeld. Leo Kadanoff: Maestro who connected physics on multiple scales. Nature Physics. 11, 995 (2015). (PDF).
  162. Nigel Goldenfeld. Samuel Frederick Edwards: Founder of modern polymer and soft matter theory. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 113 10-11 (2016). (PDF).
  163. Simon J. Haward, Robert J. Poole, Manuel A. Alves, Paulo J. Oliveira, Nigel Goldenfeld and Amy Q. Shen.  Tricritical spiral vortex instability in cross-slot flow. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 93, 031101 (R) (5 pages) 2016). (PDF)
  164. P. Jeraldo, Alvaro Hernandez, Henrik B. Nielsen, Xianfeng Chen, Bryan White, Nigel Goldenfeld, Heidi Nelson, David Alhquist, Lisa Boardman and Nicholas Chia. Capturing one of the human gut microbiome's most wanted: reconstructing the genome of a novel butyrate-producing, clostridial scavenger from metagenomic sequence data. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 783 (13 pages) 2016. (PDF)
  165. Claas Huter, Martin Friak, Marc Weikamp, Jorg Neugebauer, Nigel Goldenfeld, Bob Svendsen, and Robert Spatschek. Nonlinear elastic effects in phase field crystal and amplitude equations: Comparison to ab initio simulations of bcc metals and graphene. Phys. Rev. B 93, 214106 (14 pages) (2016). (PDF).
  166. Neil H. Kim, Gloria Lee, Nicholas A. Sherer, K. Michael Martini, Nigel Goldenfeld, and Thomas E. Kuhlman. Real-time transposable element activity in individual live cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 113, 7278-7283 (2016). (16 pages) (PDF)
  167. Chi Xue and Nigel Goldenfeld.  Stochastic predator-prey dynamics of transposons in the human genome. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 208101 (2016). (PDF).
  168. Nigel Goldenfeld and Hong-Yan Shih.  Turbulence as a problem in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.  J. Stat. Phys. 167, 575-594 (2017).  Published online Dec 2016. (Link) (PDF)
  169. Tommaso Biancalani, Farshid Jafarpour, Nigel Goldenfeld. Giant amplification of noise in fluctuation-induced pattern formation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 018101 (5 pages) (2017). (PDF).
  170. Farshid Jafarpour, Tommaso Biancalani, Nigel Goldenfeld. Noise-induced symmetry breaking far from equilibrium and the emergence of biological homochirality. Phys. Rev. E 95, 032407 (18 pages) (2017).(PDF)
  171. Elbert Branscomb, Tommaso Biancalani, Nigel Goldenfeld, Michael Russell. Escapement mechanisms and the conversion of disequilibria: the engines of creation. Physics Reports 677, 1-60 (2017). (PDF)
  172. Nigel Goldenfeld. A statistical mechanical phase transition to turbulence in a model shear flow. J. Fluid Mech. 830, 1-4 (2017). (PDF).
  173. Nigel Goldenfeld, Tommaso Biancalani, Farshid Jafarpour. Universal biology and the statistical mechanics of early life. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 375, 20160341 (14 pages) (2017). (PDF).
  174. Chi Xue and Nigel Goldenfeld. Coevolution Maintains Diversity in the Stochastic Kill the Winner Model. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 268101 (7 pages) (2017). (PDF). (Interview with authors for general readership)
  175. Tim Gernat, Vikyath Rao, Martin Middendorf, Harry Dankowicz, Nigel Goldenfeld, Gene Robinson. Automated monitoring of behavior reveals bursty interaction patterns and rapid spreading dynamics in honeybee social networks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115, 1433-1438 (2018). (PDF) (Interview with authors for general readership).
  176. David Karig, K. Michael Martini, Ting Lu, Nicholas DeLateur, Nigel Goldenfeld, Ron Weiss. Stochastic Turing patterns in a synthetic bacterial population. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115, 6572-6577 (2018). (PDF Main paper only) (Main paper + SI) (Interview with NG for general readership).
  177. Hong-Yan Shih, Harry Mickalide, David Fraebel, Nigel Goldenfeld and Seppe Kuehn. Biophysical constraints determine the selection of phenotypic fluctuations during directed evolution. Physical Biology 15, 065003 (25 pages) (2018). (PDF).
  178. Gloria Lee, Nicholas Sherer, Neil Kim, Ema Rajic, Davneet Kaur, Niko Urriola, K. Michael Martini, Chi Xue, Nigel Goldenfeld, Thomas Kuhlman. Testing the retroelement invasion hypothesis for the emergence of the ancestral eukaryotic cell. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115, 12465-12470 (2018). (PDF)
  179. Matteo Mitrano, Sangjun Lee, Ali Husain, Luca Delacretaz, Minhui Zhu, Gilberto de la Pena Munoz, Stella Sun, Young Joe, Alexander Reid, Scott Wandel, Giacomo Coslovich, William Schlotter, Tim van Driel, John Schneeloch, G.D. Gu, Sean Hartnoll, Nigel Goldenfeld, Peter Abbamonte. Ultrafast time-resolved X-ray scattering reveals diffusive charge order dynamics in LaBaCuO. Sciences Advances, 5, eaax3346 (2019). (PDF).
  180. Matteo Mitrano, Sangjun Lee, Ali A. Husain, Minhui Zhu, Gilberto de la Pena Munoz, Stella X.-L. Sun, Young Il Joe, Alexander H. Reid, Scott F. Wandel, Giacomo Coslovich, William Schlotter, Tim van Driel, John Schneeloch, G. D. Gu, Nigel Goldenfeld, and Peter Abbamonte. Evidence for photoinduced sliding of the charge-order condensate in LaBaCuO. Phys. Rev. B 100, 205125 (8 pages) (2019). (PDF).
  181. Purba Chatterjee and Nigel Goldenfeld. Three-body interactions drive the transition to polar order in a simple flocking model. Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communications) 100, 040602(R) (5 pages + Supplementary Material) (2019) (PDF).
  182. Chi Xue, Zhiru Liu and Nigel Goldenfeld.  Scale-invariant topology and bursty branching of evolutionary trees emerge from niche construction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science117, 7879-7887 (2020) (PDF).
  183. George N. Wong, Zachary J. Weiner, Alexei V. Tkachenko, Ahmed Elbanna, Sergei Maslov, and Nigel Goldenfeld.  Modeling COVID-19 Dynamics in Illinois under Nonpharmaceutical Interventions. Physical Review X 10, 041033 (2020). (PDF).
  184. Sang Hyun Choi, Vikyath D Rao, Tim Gernat, Adam R Hamilton, Gene E Robinson, Nigel Goldenfeld.  Individual variations lead to universal and cross-species patterns of social behavior.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 117, 31754-31759 (2020). (PDF).
  185. William P. King et al. Emergency ventilator for COVID-19. PLoS ONE 15(12):e0244963 (2020). (PDF).
  186. Purba Chatterjee and Nigel Goldenfeld.  Field-theoretic model for chemotaxis in run and tumble particles. Phys. Rev. E 103, 032603 (17 pages) (2021) (PDF)
  187. Hong-Yan Shih and Nigel Goldenfeld.  Mechanisms of rapid evolution, in Roadmap on biology in time varying environments. Physical Biology 18, 041502 (2021) (PDF)
  188. Alexei V. Tkachenko, Sergei Maslov, Ahmed Elbanna, George N. Wong, Zachary J. Weiner, Nigel Goldenfeld.  Time-dependent heterogeneity leads to transient suppression of the COVID-19 epidemic, not herd immunity.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117,
  189. Alexei V. Tkachenko, Sergei Maslov, Tong Wang, Ahmed Elbanna, George N. Wong and Nigel Goldenfeld. Stochastic social behavior coupled COVID-19 dynamics leads to waves, plateaus and an endemic state. Elife, 10:e68341, 1-33 (2021). (PDF).
  190. Purba Chatterjee, Nigel Goldenfeld and Sangjin Kim.  DNA supercoiling drives a transition between collective modes of gene synthesis. Physical Review Letters, 127, 218101 (2021). (PDF).
  191. Ian M. Traniello, Adam R. Hamilton, Tim Gernat, Amy C. Cash-Ahmed, Gyan P. Harwood, Allyson M. Ray, Abigail Glavin, Jacob Torres, Nigel Goldenfeld, Gene E. Robinson.  Context-dependent influence of threat on honey bee social network dynamics and brain gene expression. J Exp Biol 225 (6): jeb243738 (2022). (PDF).
  192. Diana Rose E. Ranoa et al. Mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 transmission at a large public university. Nature Communications. 13, 3207 (2022) (PDF).
  193. Dmytro Bandak, Nigel Goldenfeld, Alexei A. Mailybaev, and Gregory Eyink.  Dissipation-range fluid turbulence and thermal noise. Phys. Rev. E 105, 065113 (2022). (PDF)
  194. Xueying Wang, Hong-Yan Shih and Nigel Goldenfeld.  Stochastic model for quasi-one-dimensional transitional turbulence with streamwise shear interactions.  Physical Review Letters 129, 034501 (2022) (PDF).
  195. Dmytro Bandak, Alexei A. Mailybaev, Gregory L. Eyink, Nigel Goldenfeld. Spontaneous stochasticity amplifies even thermal noise to the largest scales of turbulence in a few eddy turnover times.  Physical Review Letters, 132, 104002 (2024). (PDF).
  196. Gregoire Lemoult, Vasudevan Mukund, Hong-Yan Shih, Gaute Linga, Joachim Mathiesen, Nigel Goldenfeld, Bjorn Hof.  Directed percolation and puff jamming near the transition to pipe turbulence. Nature Physics (2024). (PDF).
  197. Nigel Goldenfeld. There's plenty of room in the middle: The unsung revolution of the renormalization group. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 38(32), p.2430002 (2024) (PDF).
  198. Minhui Zhu and Nigel Goldenfeld. Self-consistent expansion and field-theoretic renormalization group for a singular nonlinear diffusion equation with anomalous scaling. Phys. Rev. E 111, 014145 (2025). (PDF).

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  1. N. D. Goldenfeld. Is polymer spinodal decomposition special? Dynamics of Macromolecules Conf. (Dec. 15-17, 1982) J. Polym. Sci. 73, 133-135 (1985).
  2. E. Ben-Jacob, N. D. Goldenfeld, J. S. Langer and G. Schon. String models of interfacial pattern formation. Fronts, Interfaces and Patterns Conf. (Los Alamos, New Mexico; May 2-6, 1983) Physica D 12, 245-252 (1984).
  3. N. D. Goldenfeld. Dynamics of unstable interfaces. NATO A.S.I. (La Rabida, Spain; July 1-15, 1986) Physicochemical Hydrodynamics: Interfaces (Plenum Publishing Corp.) 547-558 (1988).
  4. N. D. Goldenfeld. Introduction to pattern selection in dendritic solidification. Proc. of the IMA Workshop on Metastability and Incompletely Posed Problems (Springer-Verlag) 103-133 (1987).
  5. D. M. Ginsberg, S. L. Cooper, N. D. Goldenfeld, S. E. Inderhees, M. V. Klein, B. G. Pazol, J. P. Rice and M. B. Salamon. Two types of measurements on single crystal YBa2Cu3O7-[delta]: The fluctuation contribution to the specific heat and Raman scattering from superconducting gap excitations. Symp. on High Temperature Superconductors II. eds. D. W. Dapone II, W. H. Butler, B. Batloff, and C. W. Chu (Materials Research Society) 217-220 (1988). (PDF)
  6. N. D. Goldenfeld. Dynamics of dendritic growth. 4th Intl. Meeting on Lithium Batteries (Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; May 24-27, 1988) J. of Power Sources 26, 121-128 (1989). (PDF)
  7. P. M. Goldbart and N. D. Goldenfeld. Vulcanization: How randomly cross-linked macromolecules form equilibrium amorphous solids. 2nd Yukawa Intl. Seminar. Cooperative Dynamics in Complex Physical Systems (Kyoto, Japan; Aug. 24-27, 1988) ed. H. Takayama (Springer-Verlag: Berlin) (Springer Series in Synergetics vol. 43) 43, 208-216 (1989).
  8. N. D. Goldenfeld. The approach to equilibrium: Scaling and the renormalisation group. Non-Linear Phenomena (Institute for Problems in Mechanics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Sept. 19-22, 1989)
  9. F. Liu and N. D. Goldenfeld. Deterministic lattice model for diffusion-controlled crystal growth. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Lattice Gas Methods for PDE's (Los Alamos, N.Mex.; Sept., 1989) Physica D 47, 124-131 (1991).
  10. N. D. Goldenfeld. The approach to equilibrium: Scaling, universality and the renormalisation group. Proc. of the Workshop on the Evolution of Phase Boundaries (Sept. 1990) eds. M. E. Gurtin and G. McFadden (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Springer-Verlag).
  11. N. D. Goldenfeld, O. Martin and Y. Oono. Asymptotics of partial differential equations and the renormalisation group. Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Asymptotics Beyond All Orders (La Jolla, Calif.; Jan. 1991) eds. H. Segur, et al. (Plenum Press: N.Y.) 375-383 (1991). (PDF)
  12. N. D. Goldenfeld and F. Liu. Coarse-grained model of solidification and the generic features of late-stage crystal growth. Computational Crystal Growers Workshop (Providence, RI; Feb. 1992) ed. Jean E. Taylor (American Mathematical Society Selected Lectures in Mathematics).
  13. Annett JF, Goldenfeld N. The superconducting state of YBa/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7- delta /. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, vol.89, no.1-2, Oct. 1992, pp.197-206. USA.
  14. N. D. Goldenfeld. Dynamics of cosmological phase transitions: What can we learn from condensed matter physics? NATO ARW on Formation and Interactions of Topological Defects eds. A. C. Davis and R. H. Brandenberger (Plenum Press: New York). (PDF)
  15. J.F. Annett, N.D. Goldenfeld and A.J. Leggett, Constraints on the pairing state of the cuprate superconductors. J. Low Temp. Phys. 105, 473-482 (1996).
  16. Annett JF, Goldenfeld ND, Leggett AJ. The symmetry of the order parameter in the cuprate superconductors. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary HTS Workshop on Physics, Materials and Applications. World Scientific. 1996, pp.63-7. Singapore
  17. B. Chakraborty, K. Elder, N.D. Goldenfeld.  Influence of modulated structures on ordering dynamics in CuAu.  Physica A 224, 113-127 (1996).
  18. Provatas N, Goldenfeld N, Dantzig J. Modeling solidification using a phase-field model and adaptive mesh refinement. SOLIDIFICATION 1999. Proceedings. TMS-Miner. Metals & Mater. Soc. 1999, pp.151-60. Warrendale, PA, USA.
  19. Dendritic Growth with Fluid Flow in Pure Materials. Dantzig, Jonathan A., Jeong, Jun-Ho ; Goldenfeld, Nigel, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, May 25-30 2003, 13-20 (2003).

Bulletins or Reports

  1. J. E. Harries and N. D. Goldenfeld. Theoretical study of some properties of the selective interferometer filter. NPL Special Report QU52 (1976).
  2. M. J. Bangham, J. E. Harries and N. D. Goldenfeld. Preliminary investigation of the atmospheric spectrum in 820-940 cm-1 region. NPL Report QU37 (1977).
  3. N. D. Goldenfeld and N. Turok. Is quantum noise relevant to hearing? Unpublished comment (The paper on which we commented was retracted as a result of our comment.) Phys. Rev. Lett. (1991).
  4. Sergei Maslov and Nigel Goldenfeld. Window of Opportunity for Mitigation to Prevent Overflow of ICU capacity in Chicago by COVID-19.  (PDF)
  5. Projections and early-warning signals of a second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Illinois. Zach J. Weiner, George N. Wong, Ahmed Elbanna, Alexei Tkachenko, Sergei Maslov, Nigel Goldenfeld. (PDF). 
  6. Entry screening and multi-layer mitigation of COVID-19 cases for a safe university reopening
  7. Time-dependent heterogeneity leads to transient suppression of COVID-19 epidemic, not herd immunity

Book Reviews

  1. Fractals and Scaling in Finance by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, Physics Today, October 1998.
  2. Crystals, Defects and Microstructures: Modeling across Scales by Rob Phillips, Physics Today, 55, 55 (July 2002).
  3. Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order by Stephen Strogatz, Physics Today (June 2004).
  4. An Introduction to Systems Biology by Uri Alon & Systems Biology: Properties of Reconstructed Networks by B. Palsson. Physics Today (June 2007).